Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Monster Gallery Grand Opening!

My T-Shirt Monster Gallery

Although my gallery at T-Shirt Monster has been open for several weeks now and I have posted about it here before, I consider this the grand opening, with all the hoopla and fanfare associated with such an event. That is because T-Shirt Monster just unveiled their affiliate program and provided its members with all sorts of goodies as far as banners and links are concerned.

One of the great features the Monster unveiled is this nifty new flash panel, which doesn't only showcase a few of my designs but every single one in my gallery.

My Monster Gallery Designs

If you want to showoff only a single design, T-Shirt Monster has that base covered too. Recently, I entered one of the site's monthly-themed contests for the first time. The theme for this one was Summer Lovin'. The winner received $500 in cash and prizes ($250 cash and a $250 gift certificate for T-Shirt Monster).

Sumer Lovin' Watermelon

Although I didn't win, it was a lot of fun and I did get a great new design out of it, which I can continue to display and sell in my gallery.

Maybe you have an idea of your own that you would like to put on a t-shirt but you lack some of the finer skills in t-shirt design. Once again, T-shirt Monster can help you out with what they call their Design Lab. Here you can create your own custom shirt by using the lab tools which include a multi-font text creator and a large selection of clip art from which to choose.

If you visit my gallery, you will notice that underneath the banner to the upper right, there are several social bookmarking links which you can use provide you are a member of one of those sites. So if you see something that you or someone you know might like, spread the word, it would be very much appreciated. There are also permanent links to my galleries just underneath the banner of this blog and in the sidebar to the right. Look for those and other great links. Thanks and have a nice day.

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